Cantor Arik Wollheim

Congregation Agudath Sholom
301 Strawberry Hill Ave
Stamford, CT 06902

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today From Jerusalem

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I would like to start by thanking all those who called, emailed and prayed on behalf of my mother.

Yesterday in the afternoon my mother was taken to have a complicated surgery but during the preliminary stage, based on a closer examination, it was decided not to operate at this time.

The surgeon informed us that we will try to have the procedure again in three months after completing additional course of chemotherapy.

 So, once again, a long challenging way is waiting for my Mom.

We never stopped believing in Hashem's judgment and compassion and we continue to pray and ask for mercy.

On behalf of my entire family and especially my Mom we thank you and ask for your prayers.

May we all merit to have good news,

Cantor Arik Wollheim

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Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue | Stamford | CT | 06902

Shalom From Jerusalem

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As most of you already know, seven months ago my Mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Based on the tests an operation was scheduled in order to remove the tumor but unfortunately, with closer examination, another small growth was also found on her liver. While it was removed, the remainder of the procedure could not be completed.

Since then my mother went through an aggressive and difficult course of 18 chemotherapy treatments.  During this time we always hoped and never stopped praying that she will respond well, so that other surgical procedures can help her condition in the near future.  Our entire family, and especially my Mother, went through a long and difficult journey. During this time we never stopped praying and having great faith in Hashem.

The last scan brought good news showing that the spread was stopped and  surgery can be performed. On Monday Jan 3rd Mom is scheduled for a procedure called the "whipple", and we hope that this time the operation is going to be completed and with much success.

During the past seven months I have received an outpouring of love and support from the CAS family and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I would especially like to thank all of you who have been praying for my mother every day.  It is the strength from our family and friends that sustains us at times such as this.

Our sages tell us that God tests those who can bear the trials and tribulations that we encounter. I am not sure what that means or how much comfort it brings, but I would like to think that we will come out of this experience even stronger than before, and that we will learn something valuable from it.

Thank you all for everything you do for us.

Please keep my Mom, Yehudit Pini Idit Bat Manya Malka, in your prayers, especially on Monday.

I thank you and may we all hear good news.

Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov,

Cantor Arik Wollheim


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Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Avenue | Stamford | CT | 06902
