Cantor Arik Wollheim

Congregation Agudath Sholom
301 Strawberry Hill Ave
Stamford, CT 06902

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shalom From Stamford


Many of you are familiar with the two doctrines in the Mishna the house of Shamai and the house of Hillel. They are known for their opposite opinions with regards to Hallachic issues and with regards to Chanukah they argue about the number of candles we should light each day. According to the house of Shamai one should start with eight candles and decrease one candle each day and the house of Hillel says that we start with one and increase one candle every day. Each opinion based on a solid ground for its argument and if that's the case why do we follow the opinion of Hillel? The argument went on and on and finally the Mishna explains that "Ma'alin Bakodesh V'ein Moridin" one should always increase the holiness and not decrease.

I think that perhaps Chanukah, the festival of lights, represents more than any other holiday the message of growing and increasing when it comes to holiness. As we light the Chanukah candles, every day we add a light may we also add holiness to our lives, our families, our friends and community and every aspect of our lives.

On my Behalf, my wife Tehilah and the entire CAS family I wish you a happy Chanukah full of lights and holiness.

Cantor Arik Wollheim


PLEASE NOTE-Due to the absence of Rabbi Cohen and Rabbi Walk, I ask for your assistance in maintaining the minyanim at the shul and also at the home of Andrew and Janet Bein this week.

I thank you for your co-operation.

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