Cantor Arik Wollheim

Congregation Agudath Sholom
301 Strawberry Hill Ave
Stamford, CT 06902

Friday, November 5, 2010

Shalom From Jerusalem



Shabbat Parashat Toldot Cheshvan 28 5771 November 5, 2010


This week's Parasha is called Toldot meaning chronicles or life story. In this parasha we learn that the past and the future are always connected and one cannot understand the present nor succeed in the future without a strong connection to the past.

I would like to take this opportunity and invite you to my 11th annual concert on November 16th at 7:30 PM in the shul. 

 This year's concert connects the past and the future. As you know, we are hosting Zalmen Mlotek in a concert celebrating 100 years of Yiddish theatre Music. Mr Mlotek is an internationally recognized authority on Yiddish folk and theatre music and is a leading figure in the Jewish Theatre and concert worlds.  He is the Artistic Director of the National Yiddish Theater- Folksbiene.

In addition, a portion of the funds that are raised will be used for playground equipment to benefit of our Shul's younger generation.

We are featuring music that is up to 100 years old on one hand (the past), and we are raising funds to help our youth on the other hand (the future). And, here's where you come in: You are the present.  You are the link that can make the connection.

So, here's what I'd like to ask you, come to the concert, bring friends and consider buying an ad--you can do it online or by calling the shul's office.


We had a very successful fundraising concert last year and I would like this year's concert to match or even exceed last year. Please help our Shul.

I'm looking forward to seeing you next week.


Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem,


Cantor Arik Wollheim

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